How to Maintain Healthy Lifestyle

Yeoh, what is up, guys!! Welcome to my blog again. Firstly, I have a question to ask you, it is what is the most important thing of us as a human being? That is our health. This is because we have no life if we without health. So that we have to take care of our health. Meanwhile, I think you must be curious about how to take care of our health. As the title that I mentioned above, I am going to tell you about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

I am writing this blog is to tell you about the ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, I would like to increase your awareness regarding health to avoid diseases harming your body.

        In this day and age, mankind nowadays neglected their health and not emphasize on it. However, they seek for luxury life and addicted to entertainment such as online games and mobile games. So that, they always busy to work and work overtime until late at night. Therefore, they have no enough time for sleeping at least 8 hours. Sometimes, they even do not have their food or do not have their food on time. This will bring along stomach diseases to them. In addition, the students nowadays always addicted themselves to playing games. Sometimes, they focus on playing games more than 3 hours in front of the computer. In the same time, their eyes and brain are harmed virtually by the smart devices. In the same time, they spend most of the time of a day in playing mobile games and sitting in front the computer to play online games. So that, I am here to tell you about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Thus, what kind of lifestyle is it? Let us check it out!!

          First and foremost, the first approach is we should prevent from smoking. This is because smoking will cause diseases to us. For example, lung disease, respiratory disease, heart disease, cancer and so on. However, most of the people addicted themselves to smoking since they were young and cigarette has caused few serious consequences to them. Subsequently, they are going to have diseases and their body getting worst after few years. So that, we should prevent from smoking cigarette to harm our body. Hence, we must say no to smoking.

          Besides that, we ought to get regular exercise. This is due to exercising can maintain our health and reduce our body weight. So that, we should exercise at least 3 times per week. As an example, we can jog in every morning or doing sports. In the same time, our body and power will also be improved and become muscular, especially the heart, muscle and so on. Nevertheless, it can fill our free time and make our lives healthier. Consequently, exercising can strengthen ourselves and weight loss. In the short terms, we should always exercise and engaged ourselves in sports activities.

        Moreover, we should avoid excessive drinking. This is because alcoholic beverage contains the high percentage of alcohol and the highest percentage could be 40 percent and above. For instance, wine, beer, whiskey and so on. Therefore, it will increase blood pressure and can damage heart muscle. However, we are going to take risk of lung cancer and lead to weight gain to us if we do not avoid excessive drinking. Consequently, we will have serious diseases and body will become weaker. On the contrary, we could get advantages if we do not drink alcoholic beverage excessively. In a nutshell, we have to avoid excessive drinking for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

        Furthermore, we should also sleep for at least 8 hours. According to the investigation of many well-known scientists, the result proves that an adult needs to sleep for at least 8 hours for recovering body and energy. So that, if we maintain a healthy lifestyle with sleeping for at least 8 hours every day, we are able to calm enough to face everything in our daily life with a clear mind. Then, it will reduce the possibility of making wrong mistakes or decisions when the unpredictable crisis occur. In another suggestion, we can sleep for 1hour during the afternoon as well. This is owing to it could get you a day of energy and release your tiredness for temporary. Therefore, we can keep completing our job after taking this one hour of sleep. In short, we should sleep for at least 8 hours every day for daily activities.       

        In addition, having food on time is also one of the healthy lifestyles. This is due to having food on time can reduce the risk of having stomach diseases such as stomach ulcer. Nevertheless, it can avoid us suffering from stomach ache. However, most of the adults always not having food on time because of busy to work. Therefore, they always suffer from stomach ache. To keep working, they have no choice and always take the medicine for gastric. Subsequently, this causes the risk of they having stomach disease is very high. Other than having food on time, we can be healthier if we take a balanced diet at the same time. Thus, we do not need to afraid of the diseases and viruses. Hence, we should have food on time.

        Last but not emphatically, we should cultivate good eating habits as well. This is due to good habits can lead us to a healthy life. However, good eating habits are stick with healthy food from each group of the food pyramid. As an example, fat, protein, vitamin, carbohydrate. Therefore, we have to stay away from food high in saturated fats, sodium and added sugar. However, we should set a nutritious diet for ourselves and keep persist in launching this menu. In a nutshell, we should groom good eating habits.

        In conclusion, I am looking forward that those approaches that I mentioned above will enlighten you in building your healthy lifestyle. So, do not just always thinking and do nothing, let us do it without hesitation. As the idiom saying, where there is a will, there a way. So that, if you want to achieve it, just keep persist and you must accomplish it in the end. Your life, your future, you can change it!!



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