
        Hi, guys, once again I would like to share something with you. First of all, I believe that everyone must have a lot of important things in their life such as friendship, kinship, love and so on. However, there are also some important people in their life. For examples, family, friends, couple, teacher, colleagues, peers and more. By these examples, what do you think is the most important thing in your life. As for me, I would say it is kinship and I think most of you will be also same as me. 
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        Come to the main point, for the topic what I would like to tell you today, it is about kinship. I write this blog is to let you guys understand the importance of kinship. Then, I think you must be curious to know why I say that. So, please be patient and keep reading what I am going to share with you.

        First and foremost, as the starter of this topic, I would like to ask you a common question, it is who are those people around you that is related to the topic today. Do you have any idea? But it is okay. Now, you just have to take few seconds to think about it. After that, you don't have to say anything and just be silent. Nevertheless, how about I express the answers in your heart without any information from you. However, I think you would say that they are your father, mother, sister, brother and so on. So far, am I saying something wrong? Am I ridiculous? It just depends on how you think of me from your viewpoint. Then, come to the main point, the reason why I ask you this question is that they are the people always be there for you no matter what, especially your parents. When you are desperate, they are always the ones who accompany by your side and willing to listen to your heart. They are also the ones who face the difficulties with you, again and again, no matter how hard the difficulties are. In addition, they are always the ones by your side since you were born in this wonderful world.

        After that, in this day and age, people nowadays always emphasizing on fame and money and pursue luxurious life. So that, parents nowadays neglected the importance of kinship. Therefore, they ignored their children and always busy to work to earn money, but most of the time they sitting in the office to complete all the tasks that assigned by their superior. Thus, sometimes they even do not have the time to take a break and have lunch or dinner for a while. Nevertheless, sometimes they even work overtime until late at night without pay, even though they feel quite tired and no more spirit for working. This is because in case they do not finish their job, their superior will scold and blame them for procrastination and not completing the task on time. Therefore, their superior will give even more stress on them or even terminate them without any reason. In short, in this age of realism, there is no second choice for them and they have to succumb to reality, so they have to sacrifice even more time for working, just to impress their superior and achieve the job requirement that mentioned by the superior. If not, they are going to lose their job and financial sources. Hence, they have no time to accompany their parents at all and neglected their parents as well. For example, what if they always work until late at night, their parents already fall asleep at that time. Additionally, if they still have to work on the weekend, it means that they have no free time to enjoy their family day with their children at all. However, the relationship between them and their family is going to be broken and build a huge gap between parents and children. This is owing to children lack of concern and childhood or parents do not give some time for their children. Then, when they realized these problems, it is too late. So that, for reducing their guilt, most of the parents put even more effort at work to buy luxury goods to them for satisfying their children's material needs. For instance, they would buy smart devices for them like the smartphone, computer, laptop and so on. But the worst thing is they would give even more pocket money to their children.

        After such a long time, this will cause a bad habit and their children will think that this is the way of how their parents show their care and love. In the end, the relationship between parents and children will be broken just like the glasses that fell on the floor. Therefore, they will lose their time and children's trust at the same time. In a nutshell, they always busy on working and neglected the child's feelings.

        Moreover, come to the children part, education is very important for their future in this age of technology. So that, children nowadays have to learn new knowledge to improve themselves. However, the syllabus of academic has changed and became deeper. In the same time, there is a common phenomenon which is most of the parents have no idea of the changes of academic syllabus because of they always busy to work. When every time their children got a bad result, parents always scold them and blame them without listening to the explanation of their children. It is because parents always judge the book by its cover and also usually their mindset tend to children will probably make an excuse for their mistakes. In fact, children always spend much time on the academic field compared to the old generation. Furthermore, they give all of their effort to study hard and spend a lot of extra time on tuition and revision. Basically, the time they spent with the teacher is more than the time spent with parents. The most important thing is the parents do not motivate them scolding them without listening to their children. So that, children always be around with negative and stressful environment in long-term. After that, they will hate their parents for not spending the time to accompany them and refuse to study. The worst thing is children might not to obey and respect their parents anymore.

        Last but not emphatically least, children nowadays are addicted to online games and smart devices. So that, they neglected the education and parents. For instance, they play truant to cyber café to play games. However, they always require even more pocket money from parents to top up games point. Even though how many times their parents advised them, they still do not listen to their parents and repeat the bad habits again and again. Consequently, kinship will be broken and also will not be a well-rounded person. In the future, children will be difficult to solve problems and challenges that they are going to face because they are not mature enough and without knowledge.

        In conclusion, I hope that everyone must appreciate those people which is important and by your side whatever your parents, children, friends and so on. As the quote saying, life no take two. They are the most important people in your life, if you do not appreciate and grab it tight, you are going to lose them and regret forever no matter. If you want to change and make it better, it is never too late for you. Don't think and just do it!!



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